Access the SD Card's OS Partition Using Windows 10

After installing the ComfilePi's OS image to an SD card, it will have 2 partitions. The first partition called “boot” is a FAT32 partition and contains files like config.txt, cmdline.txt and many other files for booting and configuring the system.

However, the second partition just shows up as a “Removable Disk” in Windows and cannot be accessed. This is because the partition is formatted as an ext2 filesystem which is commonly used in Linux.

Recently, Microsoft released an update to the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 that enables features for mounting an ext2 filesystem on Windows. That feature can be used to read and write files on the ComfilePi's operating system partition using Windows.

  1. After inserting the SD card into a Windows 10 PC, run wmic diskdrive list brief in a command shell