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Creating a New Qt Project with Qt Creator

This demonstration will illustrate how to create a new project from scratch for the ComfilePi. In this demonstration Qt Quick will be used over Qt Widgets. Qt Quick is a better choice for more modern GUIs.

Using the "New Project" Wizard

  1. Select File–>New File or Project… from the menu.

  2. The following Window will appear. Select Application–>Qt Quick Application and verify the Supported Platforms reads Generic Linux Device. Then press the Choose… button.

  3. Specify the name an location of the project.

  4. For the Minimal required Qt version option, just keep the default at Qt5.7. For unknown reasons, selecting Qt5.8 will not locate the ComfilePi Kit, so use Qt5.7 for now, and deselect the With ui.qml file option.

  5. Select the ComfilePi kit.

  6. Don't add any version control.

  7. And finally, the project will open to the main.qml file

    Ignore the Project ERROR message about not being able to find arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++. It is benign.

Editing the Project

  1. Select the Design icon on the left toolbar
  2. Delete all of the Window's child nodes
  3. Change with dimensions of the Window to 800×480
  4. Change the background color to all black (#000000)
  5. Save

  6. Add Additional imports to have add more UI features

  7. Drag and drop UI widgets to the design surface

Deploy to the ComfilePi and Debug

Open the project file,, and edit the target.path as shown below to change the deploy location to the user's home directory.

# Default rules for deployment.
target.path = $${TARGET}/bin
INSTALLS += target

Then select the debug icon from the left toobar to deploy the project, execute it, and begin a debugging session.

Additional Information

To learn more about Qt Quick development, see Qt's official documentation.