#if constant ... #endif

The preprocessor directive #if will compare a constant declared with CONST to another constant. If the #if statement is true, the statements inside the #if…#endif block will be compiled, otherwise the statements will be discarded.

Const Device = CB280
Delay 500
' Device only returns the decimal number
#If Device = 220
 Debug "CB220 module used!"

The above example illustrates how, depending on the type of Cubloc/Cutouch declared, you can decide to include a command in the final compilation of your program. Using conditional directives, you will be able to write applications for different Cubloc/Cutouch modules with just one source file.

Using the preprocessor directive #elseif or #else, you can create more complex #if…#endif expressions.

Const Device = CB220
Delay 500
' Device only returns the decimal number
#If Device = 220
 Debug "CB220 module used!"
#elseif device = 280
Debug "CB280 module used!"
#elseif device = 290
Debug "CB290 module used!"
#elseif device = 1720
Debug "CT1720 module used!"

#else may only be used ONCE in an #if expression. Also, you can only compare constants declared with the CONST statement in an #if directive.

Nested #if directives are not supported; #if may not be used inside another #if.

See also #ifdef...#ifndef.

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