
When evaluating expressions in a programming language, it is important to understand the order of operations, also know as operator precedence. The following table describes Cubloc BASIC's operator precedence.

Operator Explanation Type Precendence
^ To the power of Math First
*,/,MOD Multiply, Divide, MOD Math
+,- Add, Subtract Math
«, » Left Shift, Right Shift Logic
<, >, ⇐, >= Less than, Larger than,
Less or Equal to , Larger or
Equal to.
=, <> Same, Different Comparison
AND, XOR, OR,NOTBoolean AND, XOR, OR, & NOTLogic Last

Within each row in the table above, the operators are evaluated from left to right. Operators can be used in conditional statement as show below.


Use parenthesis to explicitly control the order of operations in an expression.

When multiple operators are used, the expression will be evaluated in the following order:

1) Operator(s) inside parenthesis 2) Negative Sign (–) 3) Exponent (^) 4) Multiplication, Division, Remainder (*, /, MOD) 5) Addition/Subtraction (+,-) 6) Bit-wise Left Shift, Bit-wise Right Shift («, »)

Operators used in Cubloc BASIC may differ slightly from common mathematical operators. Please refer to the table below:

Operator Math Basic Example
Add + + 3+4+5, 6+A
Subtract - - 10-3, 63-B
Multiply X * 2 * 4, A * 5
Division / 1234/3, 3843/A
To the power of 53^ 5^3, A^2
MOD Remainder of mod 102 mod 3

When numbers of different types are mixed in an expression, the final result is cast to the type of the assigned variable.

Dim F1 As Single
Dim A As Long
F1 = 1.1234
A = F1 * 3.14               ' A gets 3 even though result is 3.525456.

Please be sure to include a decimal point(.) when using floating point numbers even if your computer's language setting uses a different character for its decimal separator.

F1 = 3.0/4.0                               ' Write 3/4 as 3.0/4.0 for floating values
F1 = 200.0 + Floor(A) * 12.0 + SQR(B)      '200 as 200.0, 12 as 12.0…

The And, Xor, and Or operators are used for both logical and bit-wise operations.

If A=1 And B=1 Then C=1 ' if A=1 and B=1 …(Logical Operation)
If A=1 Or B=1 Then C=1  ' if A=1 or B=1…(Logical Operation)
A = B And &HF           'Set the upper 4 bits to zero. (Bit-wise Operation)
A = B Xor &HF           'Invert the lower 4 bits. (Bit-wise Operation)
A = B Or &HF            'Set the lower 4 bits to 1. (Bit-wise Operation).

String can be compared with the = operator.

Dim ST1 AS String * 12
Dim ST2 AS String * 12
If ST1=ST2 Then ST2 = "OK"            ' Check if ST1 is same as ST2.

When comparing Strings, Cubloc BASIC compares the ASCII value of each character in the String. Therefore, String comparisons are casesensitive; “COMFILE” does not equal “comfile”.

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