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Set Display

Set Display type, method, baud, bufferSize

type 0=RS232, 1= GHB3224C, 2=CLCD
method Communication method 0=CUNET, 1=RS-232 CH1
baud Slave address when method = 0
baudRate when method = 1
bufferSize Send buffer size (up to 128)

Model : CLCD, GHB3224C

This command is used to initialize the display settings. It can only be used once. All displays will communicate using the method set here.. This command configures the type of LCD, the communication method, the baud rate, and the buffer size. CLCDs will use method 0.

Method = 1 (RS232 Channel 1)

This method only supports the use of RS-232 channel 1 for display. For the CB220, port 11(TX) is used.

For the CB280, pin 33 or pin 49 can be used. Pin 49 outputs a 12V level signal and pin 33 outputs a 5V level signal.

The following baud rates are supported:

2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 76800,115200, 230400.

The recommended buffer size is around 50 to 128. If the send buffer size too small, data will not be displayed correctly. If the send buffer size is too big, it will take up unnecessary memory.

Set Display 0,1,19200,50    ' Set Baud rate to 19200 and send buffer to 50.

The Set Display command can only be used once at the beginning of the program.

Method = 0 (Use CUNET)

CUNET is an implemntation of the I2C protocol that is part of the Cubloc.

For the CB220 , use I/O port 8 (Clock) and I/O port 9 (Data).

CUNET can be used with displays that support it. CUNET does not use baud rate settings, it uses slave address settings instead.

Set Display 2,0,1,50    'CLCD, Slave address of 1, Send buffer of 50

Although multiple devices can be connected via I2C, for CUNET displays only ONE device may be attached.

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