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ComfilePi's Serial Port


Kind Internal Name Alias ComfilePi's Name
UART0 UART ttyAMA0 /dev/serial0 COM0 RS232C
UART1 mini UART ttyS0 /dev/serial1 COM1 RS485


Kind Internal Name Alias ComfilePi's Name
UART0 UART ttyAMA0 /dev/serial0 COM0 RS232C
UART1 UART ttyAMA1 /dev/serial1 COM1 RS485

COM0 Test

The ComfilePi OS has test program.

Connect RX and TX to form a loopback.

Select and run the test as shown below.

“PASS” means it is OK.

COM1 Test

COM1 is an RS-485 port. Use a CN-RS232485 convertor for the COM1 Test.

Use the “Serial Echo Test” instead of COM1 Loopback Test. The Echo Test sends some data from COM0 to COM1 and from COM1 to COM0 and verifies that the data received matches the data that was sent.

ComfilePi - Industrial Raspberry Pi Panel PC

comfilepi/aboutserialport/index.1690505885.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/28 09:58 by COMFILE Technology