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ShiftOut clock, data, mode, variable, bitLength

clock Clock port. (0 to 255)
data Data port. (0 to 255)
mode 0 = LSB first (Least Significant Bit first)
1 = MSB first (Most Significant Bit first)
2 = MSB first(Most Significant Bit first) , create ACK (For I2C)
bitLength Length of bits (1 to 16)

This command performs a shift output. There are 3 modes. Mode 2 is for the I2C protocol. In I2C communication, an ACK signal is required for every 8 bits.

ShiftOut 3,4,0,&H55,8         ' Port 3 = Clock, Port 4 = Data, Mode = 0, send 0x55,8 bits to be sent

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cubloc/shiftout/index.txt · Last modified: 2016/04/14 11:07 (external edit)