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Communication Module

The MOACON can support up to 3 RS-232/485 channels. One (channel 0) is built into the CPU Module. Channels 1 and 2 can be found on the Communication Module.

RS-232 pin configuration is shown in the image below. Like channel 0, channels 1 and 2 have a 5V power source on pin 9, but unlike channel 0, it cannot be turned off.

On the Communication Module, channel 1 is dedicated to RS-232, but channel 2 can be switched between RS-232 and RS-485.

Installing Communication Module

Only one Communication Module can be installed at a time.

As shown in the image above, Communication Module can be installed in any vacant slot on the 10-slot main board. Cannot be installed in the expansion boards.

WARNING: Do not plug or unplug modules while the power is on.

moacon/dp-comm2/index.txt · Last modified: 2016/04/14 11:07 (external edit)