Set RS232

Set RS232 channel, baudRate, protocol

channel RS232 Channel (1 to 3)
baudRate BaudRate (Must be a constant; cannot be a variable.)
protocol Protocol (Must be a constant; cannot be a variable.)

You can only use the OpenCom command once to open a serial port. Set RS232 is used to change the baud rate and/or protocol of a serial port at run time.

For the protocol parameter, please refer to the table below:

Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0
Parity Stop Bit Bit # of Bits
0 0 = NONE 0=1 Stop Bit 0 0 = 5 bit
0 1 = Reserved 1=2 Stop Bits 0 1 = 6 bit
1 0 = Even 1 0 = 7 bit
1 1 = Odd 1 1 = 8 bit

The following table shows typical settings based on the previous table:

Bits Parity Stop Bit Value to Use
8 NONE 1 3
8 EVEN 1 19 (Hex = 13)
8 ODD 1 27 (Hex = 1B)
7 NONE 1 2
7 EVEN 1 18 (Hex = 12)
7 ODD 1 26 (Hex = 1A)
OpenCom 1, 19200, 3, 30, 20       'Open Rs232 channel 1
Set RS232 1, 115200, 19           'Change the baud rate & parity

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