variable = TADIn(Channel)

variable Variable to store results. (No String or Single)
channel AD channel number (0 to 15. This is the channel number, not the port number)

This command is similar to ADIn, but returns the average of 10 values read with ADIn. When working under noisy environments, using TADIn could help in obtaining more precise results.

TADIn is a pre-made function:

Function TADIn(num As Byte) As Integer
  Dim ii As Integer, ta As Long
  ta = 0
  For ii = 0 To 9
    ta = ta + ADIn(num)
  TADIn = ta / 10
End Function

The TADIn function cannot be used for the CB405RT's high resolution AD channels (See HADIn and HADIn2), but the following implementation can be used as a substitute.

Function HTADIn(num As Byte) As Integer
  Dim ii As Integer, ta As Long
  ta = 0
  For ii = 0 To 9
    ta = ta + HADIn(num)
  HTADIn = ta / 10
End Function

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